Works began on site in May this year to construct infrastructure linking the existing Swift caravan manufacturing plant to the nearby A1079. The works included upgrades to three off site junctions, the construction of a new roundabout on the A1079 and an internal access road to provide a new entrance to the factory site. Horncastle became involved in plans for the development in 1999 and have provided project management to Swift since then to obtain all the consents and liaison with the authorities and local people.
The project has had many challenges to overcome and the team has worked closely with East Riding of Yorkshire Council and national agencies. At the beginning of this year with the planning permission in place Swift appointed Horncastle as planning co-ordinator to assemble a delivery team and to construct all infrastructures.
The completion of the works is a significant milestone for local people who have been campaigning for improvements to the local highways network to ease congestion.
Swift who are one of the largest manufacturers of caravans in the UK are now completing remodelling works within the factory site prior to the new access being brought in to use at the beginning of 2011.